

Catuaba: There are three genera of plants that are known as Catuaba: Anemopaegma, Erythroxylum and Trichilia. They are plants found in Brazil and are known for their aphrodisiac power. Studies show that Catuaba extract can be used against much more complex diseases. Check out our complete collection.


Portuguese name: Catuaba, cataguá, chuchuhuasha, tatuaba, pau de reposta, caramuru, pirançara, angelim-rosa, catiguá, caramuru
Binomial name: Eriotheca candolleana , Erythroxylum vacciniifolium Martius, Erythroxylum catuaba , Anemopaegma mirandum, Trichilia
French name: Catuaba
English name : Catuaba
German name: Catuaba
Italian name: Catuaba




Alkaloids, tannins, flavanoids and terpenes. Catuabina.

parts used

Bark and root (aphrodisiac).

effects of catuaba

– Aphrodisiac and central nervous system stimulant (there is no study to prove it, but it is popularly known).

Studies prove the following effects:

– Trichilia catigua: Inflammatory (inhibition of phospholipase A2), antidepressant, analgesic, vasodilator.

– Anemopaegma is amazing: antioxidant, cytoprotector

– Erythroxylum catuaba: HIV virus inhibition, antibacterial

indications of catuaba

– Sexual impotence, muscle and central nervous system tonic, insomnia, memory loss, fatigue, nervousness. (POPULARLY)

With scientific evidence:

– Depression, skin cancer, opportunistic infections in HIV carriers, protection against bacterial infections, Parkinson’s disease.

Secundary effects

Excessive doses can cause mydriasis and tachycardia.


Its use should be avoided in pregnant women, young children and people with glaucoma (it can increase eye pressure).

Interactions and toxicity

There are no reported cases of drug interaction or toxicity.

Catuaba-based preparations

– Turn

– Decoctos

– Tincture

– Aphrodisiac mixture: 20 grams of finely chopped Anemopaegma mirandum root in a bottle of wine, this mixture is popularly known for its aphrodisiac powers.

Where does catuaba grow?

Central plateau, North and Northeast of Brazil: Amazonas, Para, Pernambuco, Bahia, Maranhão and Alagoas.

When to harvest catuaba?


The Tupi Indians, in Brazil, were the first to discover its aphrodisiac effect. A study carried out in 2003 in Japan showed that the extract of the bark of Catuaba has the power to inhibit the activity of the HIV virus. This shows a strong potential of Catuaba extract against opportunistic infections in patients with HIV. In the United States, practitioners and herbalists recommend this plant for practically the same purposes as in Brazil.

Questions and answers

” When a person has arrhythmia can they take catuaba, a natural herb from Brazil, or not?🇧🇷

Pharmacist’s response (by Adriana Sumi)

Catuaba (Anemopaegma mirandum) is a plant with activity in the CNS (central nervous system), acts by stimulating both the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems, has muscarinic activity and adrenergic stimulant.

In the scientific literature, we did not find reports of contraindications for the use of catuaba in cases of arrhythmia. However, in some non-scientific databases there is a contraindication in cases of ventricular pre-excitation.

In our opinion, catuaba may have an effect on the heart muscle, as there are muscarinic and adrenergic receptors in the heart, but there is no way of knowing whether this effect is harmful or not, since there are adrenergic agents that are used as antiarrhythmics (attention: this does not mean that catuaba acts against arrhythmia, as there are several types of adrenergic agents that have different functions and we do not know which type of catuaba is). Therefore, we recommend that people with heart problems use catuaba only if indicated by a specialist and with follow-up.

Learn more at: cardiac arrhythmia

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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