

Medicinal plant with a strong diuretic effect, used to treat the kidneys and bladder (for example, kidney stones), and is presented in the form of tea (infusion).


Portuguese name: golden rod
Binomial name: Solidago virgaurea L.
French name: verge d’or , solidago
English name: golden rod
German name: goldrute
Italian name : verga d’oro




Flavonoids (hyperoside) , quercetin, phenolic glycosides, camphor oil and saponins, essential oils, tannins, bitter active ingredients.

parts used

Flowers, leaves and stem.


Diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antifungal.


Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder (diuretic effect) and kidney stones , cystitis , albuminuria, prostate disorders, pyelonephritis.

Secundary effects

None known (in our opinion).


Certain heart disorders, pulmonary edema, and chronic kidney disease.


None known (in our opinion).

Preparations – In what form? (galenic form)

– Goldenrod tea

– Mother tincture (homeopathy)

Where is this plant grown?

Goldenrod grows in Europe, Asia, North Africa and North America. Goldenrod usually blooms in late summer (eg August to September in Europe). In the Alps, it is possible to find the Goldenrod at an altitude of up to 2500m.

When is the harvest done?

Harvesting takes place from July to October.
According to Swiss medicinal plant specialist Claude Roggen, it is advisable to harvest goldenrod before the flowers bloom, cutting the plant at the base. Then form a bouquet and leave it suspended upside down in a dry, ventilated and shaded place as explained by Mr. Roggen in his book “Les secrets du druide”, published in 2016. He then notes that once the plant is dry it is necessary to prune it and store it in an envelope, a cloth or paper bag. Finally, it will be necessary to check that there are no insects or worms, always according to the valuable advice of Mr. Roggen.


– Goldenrod is an important plant in phytotherapy, as it has a powerful diuretic effect. Consequently, it is an ideal plant to treat kidney and bladder problems. Golden rod is especially indicated in cases of kidney stones or cystitis.

– The term Solidago , found in the scientific name Solidago virgaurea , comes from the Latin Solidare and means “to make whole”, in reference to its healing powers. Nowadays, goldenrod is mainly used because of its powerful diuretic and healing effect. In the Middle Ages, on the other hand, it was often used on injuries or wounds.

– Amerindians used arnica leaves externally (eg in compresses) against various skin problems such as eczema. In North America it is mainly the Canadian Goldenrod ( Solidago canadensis ) that is used. North American species are often much larger in size, they can measure up to 2 meters.

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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