herniated disc

A herniated disc, now quite common, is caused by an injury to the discs that make up the spine. These discs are between the different vertebrae and act as a shock absorber in order to absorb shocks.
The people most affected by a herniated disc are between 25 and 45 years old.
This disease causes severe pain in the back, in the form of lumbago or when it radiates, sciatica . A herniated disc always requires medical consultation.

In general, when there is disc herniation, rest is recommended. The doctor will prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatories. Only in severe cases of disc herniation is there a need for surgery.

Note that it is possible to suffer from several herniated disks in the same person.


A herniated disc is the displacement of an intervertebral disc. In case of a very great effort and poor posture, disc hernia can appear when the pressure is too great. It is usually at the level of discs 4 and 5 of the lumbar vertebrae, and between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. Along with a herniated disc, you may have low back pain and sciatica, and a stiff back.
In fact, improperly handling heavy loads can damage the envelope of the discs, rupturing the nucleus pulposus and possibly leaving the spinal canal. Then there is the appearance of edema and inflammation. Protrusion of the intervertebral disc, as well as inflammation and edema, can compress the sciatic nerve. Thus, sciatica pain appears. When the nucleus of one of the vertebral discs exits the spinal canal and compresses another nerve, the innervated limb will be affected. Thus, when the nerve that innervates the leg is compressed, pain radiates through that limb.

Disc herniation can also occur during a fall or a false move.

It is also noted that vertebral discs wear out over time and lose their elasticity. Which could be a possible cause of disc herniation.

Thus, the herniated disc is itself the cause of various pains, such as sciatica, or even pain in the legs, since, in the herniated disc, the defective disc can press and remain on a nerve.


The causes of disc herniation are as follows:

– The aging of the vertebral discs makes them less elastic, causing the envelope surrounding the nucleus to break more easily;

– Carry very heavy loads;

– Bad posture when carrying loads;

– Incorrect or false movements;

– Falls;

– Overweight;

– The presence of bacteria (in particular P. acnes) in the core of the intervertebral disc. According to a Danish study published in 2013, it could be the cause of a herniated disc;

These different causes explain why people between 25 and 45 years old are the most affected by a herniated disc. In fact, young people are less able to balance their efforts in different activities, and are more easily injured.

Excess weight is also a risk factor, as the back is the most affected.


Duration of Symptoms
The symptoms of a herniated disc resolve within a few weeks or months, but during this time pain treatments may be important.1 In fact, over time, the body is able to eliminate this gelatinous liquid, which mechanically reduces or stops the pressure on the nerves.

Radiating nerves: 
During a herniated disc, the manifestation of symptoms depends on the affected nerve.
– If the spinal nerve is affected, there will be a feeling of muscle weakness, numbness, tingling or difficulty walking, often affecting the legs.
– In the case of affecting a nerve in the neck, the patient will have these symptoms in the arms.

But in all cases there will be pain, stiffness in the back and spasms in the affected area.

Sometimes, if the herniated disc affects the spinal cord, you may have spleen dysfunction as well.

Asymptomatic cases:
In some cases, a herniated disc does not cause symptoms.2.


Patients often come for consultation because of sciatica or lower back pain.
The diagnosis of a herniated disc begins with a medical history (patient history), where the doctor asks questions to find the cause of the pain, in addition to a physical examination. He will then proceed with an X-ray, CT scan or MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). The doctor can then exclude all other causes of low back pain or sciatica such as tumors, fractures, etc.


In a herniated disc, the defective intervertebral disc constantly rests on a nerve. This can cause pain, numbness in the area innervated by the nerve, or even dysfunction in the organs innervated by that nerve. Thus, it is possible to find problems in the intestines or bladder.

The main complications of healthy disc herniation

– Sciatica pain;

– Low back pain;

– Rigidity of the back;

– Immobility;

– Paralysis.

Sciatica, sciatica pain

Sciatica pain is the most frequent complication in the presence of a herniated disc. In fact, during a herniated disc, the nucleus pulposus of an intervertebral disc can protrude into the spinal canal and compress the sciatic nerve. Thus, the pain follows the course of the nerve. The pain is felt from the thigh to the calf, and sometimes even in the foot.

Sciatica is not just due to a herniated disc, as there are other causes. These being Osteoporosis or Rheumatism (arthrosis,…), for example.

Low back pain

Low back pain is pain located in the lumbar region. In case of lumbago (sharp pain in the lumbar region) it is essential to consult a doctor.


When there is a herniated disc, rest is mandatory, the lying position elongates the spine. Rest is mandatory when you are in the acute phase of a herniated disc. Applying heat helps to relax the muscles and relieve pain. Note, however, that the pain subsides after 6-8 weeks, when edema resorption occurs. Symptoms usually improve without treatment within four to six weeks.4.

Other treatments:

Physical treatments are sometimes recommended, such as physical therapy sessions.


In case of pain associated with a herniated disc, it is possible to relieve it according to the following measures:

– Lie down, to stretch the spine;

– Apply hot compresses to relax the muscles, reduce tension, and therefore reduce pain;

– Swimming is recommended. In fact, in swimming you work with the dorsal and abdominal muscles, but the back is supported by the water. It strengthens the muscles, sparing the back. This helps to prevent recurrences.


In order to avoid disc herniation, the following preventive measures are advised:

– Stay upright;

– Carry loads close to the body;

– Avoid twisting the spine;

– Correct posture at work;

– Wear comfortable shoes;

– Sleep comfortably;

– Play sports;
– Lose weight;
– Sit correctly in the car;
– Drive comfortably;
– Do not carry heavy objects;
– Do stretches and warm-ups before making any effort with your spine;

– If you are going to carry heavy objects, bend your knees, keep your back straight and hold the object close to your body.

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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