In juice, nectar or smoothie, choose how you prefer to drink fruits and vegetables. It all depends on what you hope to acquire through them: flavor, candy, or vitamins. Know how to choose.

The nectars. Some people like it. But know that if you are looking for what the futa can provide, it is better to dispense with them. These drinks are composed of syrup, juice or fruit puree in low content (sometimes even reconstituted), sugar and water. The interest in consuming this product is therefore limited, both in terms of the flavor it offers and the intake of vitamins.

Fruit juices. Here’s a flavored product. However, it is less rich in fiber than the fruit itself, despite retaining a considerable amount of vitamins. They are interesting for those who consume little or no fruit. From orange, tangerine or orange, juices will become the stars of your breakfast. Easy to prepare, even for those who only have a manual fruit juicer, they will provide you with the necessary vitamins for your day… if consumed right after they are ready.

Vegetable juices. You can find them ready-made in the supermarket or in specialized stores. They will provide you with the fibers and vitamins of your favorite vegetables, with flavors that can be unprecedented, depending on the combinations you make. Because you can also – for even greater benefits – prepare your own juice, with fresh vegetables. A centrifuge – available in a variety of prices and brands – does all the work!

The smoothies.  A combination of juice, fruit pulp (or vegetables) and milkshake, the  smoothie  is prepared with whole products – sometimes even including the skin – shaken in a mixer. This is a simple and pleasant way to benefit from the nutritional elements naturally present in fresh fruits and vegetables: vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, carbohydrates… By adding milk or yogurt, smoothness will be ensured ( smooth :suave in English). The best  smoothies  are, of course, those prepared by yourself. And there are no limits, let your imagination run wild. Choose fruits and vegetables (fresh or frozen) and that’s it!

Bananas, kiwis, raspberries, beets or celery, fill your mixer and satisfy your tastes. Enjoy. A simple fresh mint leaf, for example, will set your taste buds on a journey. The variants and combinations are multiple, full of vitamins and (more or less) dietary. You can use this trick to make children consume vegetables.

Font: Eat well, eat healthy. Healthy food, Alessandra Buronzo and Marie-Laure André

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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