Juice for tanning


Juice used to promote a beautiful tan and prevent (partly) sunburn.
Attention, do not replace the use of sunscreen to protect against sun damage. Read also: sun and skin .


– Orange juice (200-300 ml)

– 1 grated or chopped carrot

– Half a grated or chopped beetroot


– Place the ingredients in the blender

– Beat well for a few minutes

In case you use the beetroot not grated (i.e. in large pieces), use a food processor first. For this, put the carrot and a little orange juice, then transfer to a container. Then put the cut beetroot with the rest of the orange juice in a blender and mix well. Then put everything in a blender and mix again.

– Filter if necessary.


– Consume the juice every day, preferably in the morning before exposure to the sun.


– Serve chilled.

– You can add a teaspoon of flaxseed with the other ingredients in the blender. Flaxseed is not necessary to promote tanning, but you can combine it with this juice, as it is a source of omega-3 and helps intestinal transit.

Orange  juice makes this preparation a little sweeter, but it has no real effect on tanning the skin. In addition to orange juice, you can also add a little sugar. Carrots and beets are rich in carotenoids, substances that contribute to skin tanning and can even partially prevent sunburn .

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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