

Medicinal plant used in case of digestive problems, urinary complications or rheumatism, often used in the form of an infusion or as a tincture.


Portuguese name: juniper, cedar, genebreiro, juniper, common juniper, juniper, juniper
Binomial name: Juniperus communis L.
French name: genièvre , genévrier
English name: Juniper
German name: Wacholder
Italian name: ginepro


Cupressaceae (Cupressaceae)


– Essential oils
– Flavonoids
– Pinenes
– Terpenes
– Tannins
– Sugars

parts used

– Berries (in Latin: Juniperus fructus), the berry is a false fruit.
Observation: in Botany, it is precisely about cones and not about fruits.


– Diuretic, antirheumatic, carminative (effect on digestion), aperitif, antiseptic, expectorant, revulsive, emmenagogue.


Internal use
Dyspepsia, gastric acidity, digestion disorders (colic), inflammation of the urinary tract, urinary calculi , bad breath .

External use
Rheumatism ( gout ).

Secundary effects

Attention, several kidney problems can occur in case of prolonged treatments with this plant.


Pregnancy, various kidney diseases (kidney problems and kidney infections).


We don’t know.


– Juniper infusion (after crushing the juniper berries to extract all the essential oil)

– Cooked juniper

– Juniper extracts

– Juniper capsules. The usual dosage is one capsule 3 times a day, each usually containing 425 mg to 850 mg of juniper berries.

– Tincture of juniper (for external use). Count about 250g of juniper berries to 1L of brandy. Let it macerate for 2 to 3 weeks, shake the bottle every day, then filter. It can be used in friction in cases of rheumatism, such as gout.

Where does the genever grow?

The genebreiro, cedar or juniper is a shrub native to the northern hemisphere that grows particularly in its wild state in North America, Europe and Asia. This shrub develops well in regions with a harsh winter, such as Canada, Japan or northern Europe. Juniper usually takes the form of a bush.
This tree can live up to 1000 years.

When to collect?

In Europe, juniper berries are harvested from September to November. As medicinal plant specialist Claude Roggen reminds us, we must not forget to wear gloves during harvesting to avoid being pricked by juniper thorns.


– At the time, the Greeks and Romans already used juniper berries in cases of rheumatism, in the fight against pain. In the American continent, the natives of North America used this plant to treat urinary problems, such as cystitis. In the Middle Ages, juniper branches were suspended over the doors of houses to ward off witches.

– There are multiple varieties of the genever (Juniperus communis), in North America prevailing Juniperus communis var. quickly and in Europe Juniperus communis var. communis.

– Most of the juniper berries used in herbal medicine come from Eastern European crops.

– Juniper berries are blue in color when fresh, turning red when dried.

– Juniper belongs to the same family (Cupressaceae) as Italian cypress and thuja.


Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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