

Medicinal plant used as a laxative in case of chronic constipation, can be found in grains.


Portuguese names: Linseed, flax
Latin name: Linum usitatissimum
French name: Lin , graine de lin
English name: Flax, common flax
German name: Lein , Flachs Italian
name : lino


Linaceae (Linaceae)


– Mucilages (about 10% of flaxseed weight)
– Essential fatty acids (omega-3). It is estimated that 40% of the weight of flaxseeds are omega-3 essential fatty acids.
– Cyanogenic glycoside
– Oil
– Dietary fibers (lignan)
– Magnesium
– Vitamin B1
– Proteins

parts used

Seeds (ripe and dry)

flaxseed effects

laxative, emollient


For internal use:
Chronic constipation (chronic constipation) , irritable bowel syndrome , cholesterol (hypercholesterolemia, action against LDL, bad cholesterol),  burning stomach (heartburn) , Crohn’s disease ,  dry eyes (the omega-3 would be responsible for the effect, against dry eyes take 1 to 2 teaspoons of linseed oil a day), hypertension

External use:
Poultices used against rheumatism and skin problems, against cough .

Secundary effects

Flatulence. When purchasing a flaxseed-based medicine, read the leaflet and ask a specialist for advice.


Ileus, children under 6 years of age, intestinal obstruction, shrinkage of the esophagus…When buying a flaxseed-based medicine, read the leaflet and ask a specialist for advice.


we do not know

Linseed-based preparations

– Flaxseeds (Dosage: Mix 1 spoonful of ground or unground flaxseeds in 350 ml of water, and in case of chronic constipation, take this preparation 2 to 3 times a day).

– Flaxseed poultice

– Linseed oil

Where does flaxseed grow?

Flaxseed grows in Europe. The plant has a height between 30 and 80 cm.


– The term usitatissimum found in the scientific name ( Linum usitatissimum L.) comes from Latin and means “very used”. Linum means linen in Latin, that is, the scientific name means “very used linen”.

– Flaxseed flowers have a very beautiful blue color, as we can see in the photo below.

– Due to its omega-3 content, it is advisable to consume a tablespoon of flaxseed oil a day. You can find flaxseed oil in “Budwig cream”, a recipe developed by physician Catherine Kousmine often consumed for breakfast.

About Flaxseeds
– Flaxseeds are used effectively in cases of chronic constipation, consume a little water and eventually crushed seeds.

– This is a cheap remedy against constipation and very effective.

About Flaxseed Oil (Flaxseed Extract)

– Attention, linseed oil (in liquid form) can be toxic when not stored cold and protected from light (with a special container that protects from light).

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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