Anti-inflammatory and antalgic Medicinal Plant, used in case of rheumatism diseases, can be found in pills or capsules.
Portuguese name: meadowsweet , filipendula, meadow queen
Binomial name: Filipendula ulmaria
French name: Reine-des-prés , spirée ulmaire
English name: meadowsweet
German name: Mädesüss
Italian name: Olmaria
Rosaceae (Rosaceae).
Flavonoids, salicylated derivatives (salicylic acid), heterosides, phenolic compounds.
parts used
Flowery summaries.
meadowsweet effects
Antagic, anti-inflammatory, febrifuge, diuretic, anti-cellulite.
meadowsweet indications
Rheumatisms (chronic): arthrosis , fever , cellulitis .
Secundary effects
Read the medicine leaflet.
Allergy to salicylated derivatives (aspirin). Read the medicine leaflet.
Possible interaction with other drugs, so consult a specialist. Read the medicine leaflet.
Meadowsweet-based preparations
– Capsules or pills of meadowsweet
Where does the meadowsweet grow?
The meadow grows in Europe (eg in the Alps).
When to harvest meadowsweet?
The meadowsweet is mainly harvested in the summer.
The meadowsweet is very common in the meadows of France, and together with sage it helped in the development of aspirin , which is a well-known medicine to treat headaches, fever and other inflammatory pains. Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which is also found in meadowsweet in unsynthesized form (without acetylation). That’s why this plant is so used in the treatment of chronic rheumatism, fighting pain and inflammation.
I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.