Medicinal plant used internally as a diuretic, externally as an astringent or cosmetic, it can often be found in the form of an infusion or solution.
Read also: nettle root
Portuguese name: nettle (nettle leaves)
Binomial name: Urtica dioica or Urtica urens
French name: (Big) Ortie , feuille d’ortie
English name: nettle
German name: die Brennessel
Italian name: ortica
– Flavonoids
– Amines
– Minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, etc.
– Silicic acid
– Proteins (it is estimated that 40% of nettle dry weight is protein, more than soy and the same amount than in meat)
– Vitamin C
– Fiber (in particular the stems)
For internal use (to ingest, infusion or tablet)
Diuretic, galactogogue, antirheumatic, mild anti-allergic effect (against hay fever), anti-inflammatory, “depurative”.
In external use (to apply, in lotion or other solution)
Tonic, astringent, hemostatic.
For internal use (mainly in infusion)
Urinary tract disorders, cystitis , hay fever , gout , prevention of urinary and kidney stones .
For external use (to apply in a lotion or other solution)
Cosmetic care, for example, for hair: treats hair loss, promotes growth and fights dandruff and oiliness. Rheumatisms: arthritis, arthrosis, gout.
Secundary effects
we do not know
Attention, the diuretic effect is not recommended in the case of certain heart diseases or edema problems. To solve all your doubts regarding the diagnosis, consult a doctor or pharmacist.
we do not know
Nettle leaf preparations
– Nettle leaf ointment or cream
– Nettle tablets or nettle-based capsules (nettle root)
Where does nettle leaf grow?
Nettle grows all over the world, mainly in countries with a temperate climate. It is native to Europe and Asia.
This is a perennial plant, meaning it can live for several years.
The nettle measures between 30 to 150 cm in height.
This plant can live in the Alps at up to 2500m altitude.
When to harvest nettle leaf?
Nettle leaves are preferably harvested in spring. The roots are harvested in autumn. In Europe, nettle flowering generally occurs between June and October.
– The leaves or aerial parts of nettle are very common in the fields of Europe and allow useful applications (diuretic in infusion, hair problems). preparations can be made at home.
The nettle’s stinging effect comes from the formic acid and histamine found in the hairs on the leaves and stems. When the leaves and stems are broken, these molecules are released from the hairs and cause nettle burning and itching. Note that dried nettle does not cause burning or itching.
– The genus name Urtica, from the scientific name Urtica dioica, comes from the Latin urere and means “to burn”. In fact, fresh nettle leaves can cause skin pain and inflammation.
– The white nettle, which is very similar to the nettle, but does not itch. This is one way to tell them apart.
Read also: nettle root
I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.