Pennyroyal : medicinal plant with digestive, expectorant, antimicrobial, antispasmodic effect. Its internal use is through infusions and tincture, external use through dry leaves, powder and infusion.
Portuguese name: Pennyroyal, mint, Saint Lawrence herb, wild mint, Pennyroyal and Pennyroyal
Binomial name: Mentha pulegium L.
French name: Menthe pouliot
English name: Pennyroyal
German name: Polei- Minze
Italian name: Menta poleggio
Spanish name: Poleo
Tannins, carvone, pulegone and menthol.
parts used
The whole plant (Leaves, stems and flowers), branches.
effects of pennyroyal
Internal use
Digestive, expectorant, antimicrobial, antispasmodic.
External use
Antiseptic and healing.
– Digestive problems, bad breath , belching, diarrhea (mainly those caused by bacteria such as Escherichia coli ), flu , colds , cough and hoarseness .
External use
– Scabies (scabies) and pediculosis ( lice ), dermatoses and insect repellent
Secundary effects
It can cause liver problems and allergies.
It should not be used by pregnant women, it can cause abortion by inducing amenorrhea (menstrual flow). It is also contraindicated for nursing mothers and children under 6 years old.
No interactions were documented.
Prolonged use can cause intoxication.
Internal use
– Tea (infusion), 150mL 2 to 3 times a day
– Tincture
External use
– Dry leaf (to burn)
– Dust
– Infusion
Where does pennyroyal grow?
Pennyroyal grows in moist, alkaline soils, usually near lakes and rivers. In non-humid places, the plant grows but is very low. It requires a mild climate, very bright but without direct sunlight, light soil rich in organic matter.
It should be planted in spring or autumn.
When to harvest pennyroyal?
As we can use different parts of pennyroyal, it is possible to harvest it throughout the year.
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