spinach juice


– Homemade juice indicated to maintain or lose weight. This juice also reduces cravings between meals.
– A Swedish study published in September 2014 showed that spinach extract (juice) is used to lose weight and reduce cravings between meals. Read this full study .


For a juice of 200 to 300 mL:

– 1 cup full of spinach leaves .

– 1 tomato.

– Possibly 1-2 celery stalks ( celery).

– Possibly carrot juice .

– Salt and pepper.

– About 50 to 100 mL of water or coconut water.


– Remove the stems from the spinach (keep the leaves) and wash the leaves and tomato well.

– Cut the tomato in 4.

– Put all the ingredients (spinach, tomatoes and possibly celery and carrots) in a blender, adding, if possible, half of the ingredients and then, after a few minutes, the other half to avoid the blender clogging up.

– Beat well for a few minutes.

– Add if you want a little salt and pepper and cover with a little water if necessary, especially if the juice is not liquid enough (pure consistency).


– Consume preferably once a day in the morning. This juice is an excellent appetite suppressant for the rest of the day.

Shelf life:
About 12 hours (if kept refrigerated), otherwise, its use must be immediate.


– According to Swedish scientists who conducted research on spinach, most modern processed foods found in stores are broken down and absorbed very quickly in the intestine, which reduces the transmission of satiety hormones to the brain, which are not maintained, causing that people eat more than the body needs. This spinach extract is rich in thylakoids, which are the membranes of green leaves, responsible for slowing down the digestion process and sending information to the brain that we have eaten enough.

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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