Estramonium: medicinal plant with parasympatholytic effect. However, this plant is almost never prescribed.
Portuguese name: Weed of witches, prickly apple, zabumba
Binomial name: Datura stramonium (L.)
French name: Stramoine , pomme épineuse, herbe aux sorciers
English name: datura, devil’s apple
German name: Stechapfel
Italian name: mezzetoni, stramoni
Solanaceae (Solanaceae)
Alkaloids (scopolamine, hyoscyamine), flavonoids.
parts used
Dry leaf
effects of weed
Parasympatholytic, spasmolytic, anticholinergic.
indications of weed
Eventually, in case of anticholinergic treatment, but this plant is currently very little used.
Heads up! Do not self-medicate. Estramonium-based medicines should always be prescribed by a doctor.
Secundary effects
Various side effects. When purchasing a medication, read the leaflet and ask a specialist for guidance.
Numerous contraindications. When purchasing a medication, read the leaflet and ask a specialist for guidance.
When purchasing a medication, read the leaflet and ask a specialist for guidance.
Estramonium-based preparations
– Extrato seco de estramônio (Standardized Stramonium dust)
Heads up! Never make infusions of datura, as this can be very toxic (poisonous) and even deadly!
Where does the weed grow?
Datura grows in Europe.
When is the weed harvested?
Estramonium is a medicinal plant widely studied in pharmacy schools, as it belongs to the important Solanaceae family. However, it is currently rarely used.
I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.