Vitamin C

Vitamin C belongs to the vitamins known as water-soluble, below you will find all the information about this vitamin.


English name : vitamin C
Scientific name: ascorbic acid


The recommended daily dose is:
About 100 mg per day for a healthy adult and up to 200 mg per day for a smoker or patient.

Some scholars recommend an even higher dosage (0.5 to 1 g a day) during periods of colds, as a preventive measure.

The German Society for Nutrition ( Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung ) considers that 110 mg per day of vitamin C is sufficient for men and 95 mg for women. This corresponds to half a red pepper or an orange.


Lemon, banana, orange, kiwi (in 100 g there are 80 mg of vitamin C), strawberry (in 100 g there are 60 mg of vitamin C), sea buckthorn (in 100 g there can be up to 600 mg of vitamin C) , acerola , rose canine
Broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes,….


Antioxidant, various metabolic effects


Cold , flu , sore throat , scurvy, cold sores , cystitis , thrush , psoriasis ,…


Scurvy, joint pain, decreased immune defenses (more sensitive to colds), fatigue .


At a dosage of 1 g a day: there is a possible risk of diarrhea , kidney stones ,… Little risk of intoxication, as vitamin C is water soluble and therefore generally well eliminated in the urine.


– Attention, vitamin C is sensitive to heat, light and other chemical reactions, so store it in suitable conditions (away from heat, etc.) in well-closed bottles.

– During colds, the combination of zinc and vitamin C can shorten the duration of symptoms. A study published in 2017 by Dr. Harri Hemilä of the University of Helsinki showed that taking 8 g (eight grams) a day of vitamin C shortened the duration of common cold symptoms by 19% compared to taking a placebo. With a dose of 4 g of vitamin C, the duration of colds was reduced by approximately 10%. Participants in this Finnish study consumed either 8g or 4g of vitamin C on just the first day of their cold. This study was published in the journal Nutrients   on March 29, 2017.

– Attention, vitamin C does not have any cumulative effect, this means that, as it is water soluble, it ends up being eliminated by the body on a daily basis and, therefore, it is important to have a sufficient daily dose of vitamin C.

– The consumption of 1 gram or more of vitamin C per day can lead to the formation of kidney stones , mainly due to the formation of calcium oxalate stones. It is important to know that vitamin C is partly metabolized to calcium oxalate, which can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract.

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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