Green tea


Medicinal plant used as a stimulant for fatigue , but also to prevent various diseases such as cancer. It is usually presented in the form of tea (infusion).


Portuguese name: green tea
Binomial name: Camellia sinensis (L.)
French name: Thé vert
English name: Green Tea
German name: Grüner Tee
Italian name: tè verde




Tannins, flavonoids and polyphenols (quercetin, catechins), caffeine, L-theanine (an amino acid)

Note: Studies have shown that green tea polyphenols are absorbed in the gut and then have the ability to alter liver metabolism. It is important to note that the effect of black tea polyphenols is different, read more on our special black tea page

parts used

Leaves (quickly dried and rolled, unfermented)


Stimulant (caffeine), antioxidant (flavonoids), fat burner, lipolytic, diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory.


– Against fatigue , against cardiovascular problems (cholesterol), to lose weight (as a complement to other measures), as an aid in diets, against cellulite, also sometimes used against hair loss (there are no studies to prove this effect), against bad breath and as a prevention of prostate cancer (according to a study carried out by Japanese researchers, published at the end of 2007, which says that consuming 5 to 6 cups of tea reduces the risk of developing this cancer by half) , type 2 diabetes .

– Studies have shown that daily intake of 5 or more cups of green tea reduces the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction .

– To improve the brain activity of people with Down syndrome (see further in Notes below).

– Has effect against anxiety due to L-theanine (an amino acid).

Secundary effects

Excessive excitement, difficulty sleeping (due to caffeine), hepatitis (sometimes life-threatening fulminant hepatitis, especially if consumed internally (orally), for example in capsules and with prolonged use).


We don’t know.


With nadolol (hypotensive), green tea can reduce the concentration of the drug in the blood by about 75%.


– Green tea)

– Capsules – beware of possible liver toxicity (read above under Side Effects and under Notes )

Where does the green tea plant grow?

The green tea plant grows mainly in hot and humid countries (China).


– Tea (also including black tea) is the most consumed beverage in the world after water, but before coffee. The antioxidant properties of green tea are particularly appreciated. Green tea is an important drink in Chinese culture, but also in other Asian countries like Japan. In China, tea has a social function to be used especially in certain ceremonies (eg marriage).

– Green tea contains more polyphenols (antioxidant) than black tea. That’s why experts suggest consuming green tea more than black tea for medicinal purposes.

– In traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, it is mainly green tea and not black tea that has been used for its medicinal use.

– Thermogenesis is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system and increases the basal energy value, which can oxidize more fat. The increase in thermogenesis by green tea, according to this English study, can make a person lose weight. It appears that the active compounds are: caffeine and catechins, components of green tea.

– Its stimulating effect (with caffeine) is scientifically proven.

– According to a study published in June 2016 in The Lancet Neurology, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG, an active ingredient in green tea) can significantly improve brain activity in people with Down syndrome (or trisomy 21). In this study, 84 young adults with Down syndrome participated. Half received a drug or preparation with EGCG and the other half did not receive this molecule. The group that received the green tea substance showed a year after starting the treatment a greater ability to remember words and a better adaptation to the environment, the more the treatment was done for a longer period of time and the more the effects were significant. The positive effects were still visible six months after the end of the trial.
The lead author of the study, Dr. Mara Diersson, however, clarified that it was not in any case a promise of cure for this syndrome.

– 2020 study on the benefits of green tea
According to a Chinese study conducted with more than 100,000 men and women with an average age around 50 years, consumption of at least 3 cups of green tea per week for a period of at least least 8 years reduced by 56% the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases, such as myocardial infarction or stroke. The increased lifespan of green tea drinkers was 1.26 years. This study was published on January 8, 2020 in the scientific journal European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (DOI: 10.1177 / 2047487319894685 ). The researchers studied the participants over a period of 17 years.

Risk of hepatitis and death:
– The medical literature mentions the case of death from fulminant hepatitis when drinking green tea, especially in capsules, so it is always recommended to consult a doctor or pharmacist before starting a treatment based on green tea. It is advisable to measure liver enzymes during a treatment based on green tea (in capsule or taken internally, except infusion or tea). Turmeric and kava are other medicinal plants with a significant risk to the liver.

Jeanne Kenney
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I’m a stylist trainer, a content creator, and an entrepreneur passion. Virgo sign and Pisces ascendant, I move easily between my dreams, the crazy world I want, and my feet on the ground to carry out my projects.

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